Whether it is as Sweeney Todd, Captain Jack Sparrow or even Willy Wonka, Mr. Johnny Depp has a way of attracting big masses to see what his new irreverent creation is. Alas...a year and a half has gone by since his last film came out, and now, he comes with the first "big" project released this year (of course, it we ignore Pixar) with interesting names and talented people attached to it. This time it's neither an excentric film director or a depressed man but a bank robber the character that fills his boots, and this time with bullett expert Michal Mann on the head.
One would wonder what exactly was going through Mann's mind while making this project since it lacks most details his other films like to shine: an interesting and gripping story, a impressive male lead with great screen presence and gripping scenes that make their movies an unfogettable show. Since The Insider, it seems Mann's lost a bit of touch, and this is no exception. However, what disappoints me the most (and I have to say, I didn't have high expectations I wanted the film to fill) is Mr. Depp's lazy performance.
As a fan of his, seeing more and more of his roles, I kept realizing that most of Depp's "chamaleon-ism" comes from the roles he picks, and not precisely from his own performances. Say what you may, I do believe the man is talented and he's definitely proved himself to be extraordinary more than once, however that status he's recently gained as the best actor around baffles me as he takes a role and rarely adds something spicy to it that isn't already on paper, a quality one loves to see in masters of the craft such as Dustin Hoffman or Malon Brando. The reason is unkown, but if people looked at his curriculum before the Pirate days they'd discover the work of Depp since then has mostly been uninspired.
In here, Depp acts as a confident man that believes he's never going to be caught, that enjoys the public bein at his knees and well, that robs banks...great, what else? I never saw a different display that showed me the chamaleonic talent Depp does have, or that extra flavor he adds to some of his roles. Surprisingly, I enjoyed more Christian Bale, who has shown to be nothing but wodden in everything he's in. But in here, at least he tried to stand out and walk away with the part of the movie that belong to him. Mr. Bale may not be as talented, but at least he tried, and delivered in certain times, which is more I can say about John Dillinger. With an almost invisible Billy Crudup and a star studed cast wasted away (did anyone notice David Wenham, Channing Tatum, Giovanni Ribisi or Emilie de Ravin?) the film certainly failed to impressed me in that aspect.
Despite all this, the acting was not a lost case for a movie that depends so strongly on its cast, as it was Miss Marion Cotillard, the one that delivered that intense and powerful display one enjoys in a Mann film. With barely 20 minutes on screen (more less as I'm not sure), Cotillard exploits every single aspect she finds. The only performance that will hopefully rememebered by the end of the year as great.

Acting, however, wasn't the only aspect Mann's brilliant at that falls flat. With the exception of the impeccable sound, I only saw an opportunity of displaying great costumes, sets or even a beautiful score wasted down the toilet. It's probable the director decided to rely on its "powerful" cast rather than showy techs. Bad choice. Uninspired costumes, and lame sets that didn't seem to require much often make you forget you're in the 30s and not in the 50s. The photography, effective and messy seemed to be spot on and helped the film's cause, but there were scenes where it seemed the cinmetographer didn't know what exactly to do or what to shoot. As for the screenplay...well, I'd rather keep my mouth shut.
The only other redeeming aspect that I found was (not surprisingly) Michael Mann's misconcepted but effective direction. An interesting vision and idea that whilst not supported by most aspects alone, known how to put them together (that's definitely not improved by an average work in the editing room) certain times in way that will definitely be hit or miss with the audience. However, that will at least entertain during those 2 hours and 20 minutes, even to those that didn't feel amazed by the experience. Minus points for not being able to join them in what could have been a thrilling experience, but an applause for the intention and keeping the film alive most of the time. Not exactly a "must see" from this year, but at least I can suggest it'll be a more worthwhile experience than most summer flicks this year.
RATING: 5/10
I love the movie it was a lot of action in it. Not to mention another leading man in the movie, Johnny depp !