UPDATE: Edited a little the image to include the first release of Freeman as Nelson Mandela.

Tough category, sadly, what matters
here is your career. If you're a respected actor, you can get in much easier. It's weird to see young newbies get attentions (or win!) here, even if it does happen. The Academy likes them young over at the actress category.and the nominees are...
Jeff Bridges as Bad Blake in Crazy Heart
4 unsuccessful nominations have to mean something, right? It's an iffy pick, but the project looks interesting, and so does the character. Hopefully this can get Mr. Bridges back into the spotlight, at least for more deserved recognition. Still...my iffy card.
Daniel Day-Lewis as Guido Contini in Nine
I'm not exactly what I have him here, let's just call it a hunch, ok? Besides, he plays a character with serious psychological problems going around, if he gets it right, expect some attention. He sings??? This would be a bonus point since we've never heard him, now...he's the main character and we still didn't even get to hear a single word from him in the movie's trailer. Is this an indication of bad things to come?
Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela in Invictus
Basically, I can say the moment he signed his contract for this role was the moment he got his nomination. Eastwood does always good with the Academy, he normally gets some of his actors nominated, even Angelina Jolie when neither of his films were that loved. Freeman is miles more recognized and respected than Swank, Jolie or other Eastwood nominees (winners). He got his only win in supporting thanks to Eastwood. Unless the movie is a complete catastrophe (Razzie worthy), he doesn't need to impress anyone to get that nominations. Eastwood + BIOPIC ROLE + career = He's in. I swear, if he doesn't get in you can come to complain here later, he's in. If anything, he may get a leading win to go along his supporting statuette.
Christopher Plummer as Leo Tosltoy in The Last Station
He has three big films coming out this year, he is long due for *some* recognition, and there's good early word. Seriously, if the Academy doesn't even notice him it'll be weird. With this film likely to get attention at major categories, expect Plummer to get in (and possibly win).
Ben Whishaw as John Keats in Bright Star
*sigh* I have faith. I have faith. I have faith. An invisible actor that keeps appearing here and there with great turns. Maybe he's still young, but when you take into consideration his resume, he definitely has the guts to become the next Sean Penn. If the film is a hit (and hopefully, so is he), he may get noticed (finally!).
just in case, my 6th close option was...Matt Damon as Mark Whitacre in The Informant
People, I love him, but like I said, I serisouly doubt he's loved enough to score 2 nominations in a single year. The drastic body change is bound to get him some attention, but I still think he either gets here or in supporting, and since his supporting role is much baitier, I think there.
I'm no Eastwood fan, but damn! Freeman as Nelson Mandela? That HAS to be interesting. I'm still anxiously awaiting all of Damon's film and performances, but probably my most expected in this category are the never nominated Plummer and especially Whishaw. I actually think Day-Lewis overracts some times, but he's still a pretty geat actor, let's see if casting him a singing role was a smart move.
Also, not mentioned here but Depp in Public Enemies, DiCaprio in Shutter Island, Bettany as Darwin in Creation and Bardem in Gonzalez Iñarritu's Biutiful look extremely interesting.
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