Well it's really late and just a couple of minutes before the show, so I'll be quick. For Best Ensemble, it's pretty much SAG favorite Doubt vs. Milk. However, Slumdog has been bulldozing the awards, so if the SAG jump at the bandwagon don't be surprised. I'll go with Doubt, simply because of its 4 nods. For Actor, the SAG tend to prefer the old respected veterans, so even though the Rourke vs. Penn fight will continue all the way to the Oscars, expect Penn here, or even Langella. For Actress, due to the same reasons as Actor, Meryl Streep should have no problem taking the award, with Hathaway and Winslet as spoilers. Ledger ought to take Supporting Actor in a cake walk, and Winslet won't go empty handed, after her Oscar noms and her Globe win her buzz keeps growing, she'll take supporting. However, if thse two are going to be upset at any awards it'll be here, Downey Jr and Cruz as the possibilities, but it's not likely. So....these is how my predictions go:
Best Cast: Doubt
Best Actor: Sean Penn in Milk
Best Actress: Meryl Streep in Doubt
Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight
Best Supporting Actress: Kate Winslet in The Reader
The causes of these......not a lot of changes. As I said, even with Penn's win here, Rourke and Langella are not entirely out. Streep needed this to show she has a chance at Actress, but if Winslet wins ANY of the 2, her win is pretty much assured. Ledger was a lock weeks ago, so no biggie. The only thing that will also be a lock is Slumdog Millionaire to take the Best Picture Oscar. Basically it already is a lock, but if even the un-recognizable cast of the movie is recognized it means that not even if all the other films together join forces and combine their voted can Slumdog be stopped from taking the gold.